God’s got a global plan. he’s been fashioning this plan throughout the generations and now it’s up to us. what is this plan? what is God’s ultimate desire?
God desires the praises of his people from every tribe, tongue, and nation as we see in revelation 7:9. he doesn’t just want all americans in heaven. he doesn’t just want a few chinese and peruvians thrown in there. heaven is not going to be english-speaking. i can tell you that for sure – it’s gonna be a multilingual, multicultural choir going millions strong for the glory of our father. he desires the praises from all people, and this has been his plan all along. the Bible is not just a book with random stories, unconnected, that tell about this great man, Jesus. this theme of all the nations turning back to him is weaved in and throughout the whole Bible. we know what the end result is. we know God’s going to get his praise. it’s up to us to be a part of that plan. i know it’s gonna be one exciting journey.
if you wanna know more about this global agenda God has for bringing back all peoples to himself, check out
perspectives. this 15-week course, designed like a college class, takes off the blinders so you can see the Bible like never before. this course outlines the
biblical basis for mission, showing and connecting various parts of the Bible, changing forever the way you will look at it. you will see this plan of God’s redeeming the nations throughout all of the old and new testament. it’s not just when Jesus came to the earth. this plan has long been in existence. this course shows the
historical context of missions and how this plan has filtered through the ages since the new testament church to where we are now. God has a plan, and there’s nothing we can do to stop it – so let’s jump on board! this course details the
cultural aspect of missions. believers in cambodia are not going to worship God in the same way as americans or ethiopians. God desires the unique and individual praises from his people. when we share about Christ with our international friends, we must be culturally appropriate. we can’t fit them in our american mold. this course emphasizes the
strategic basis for missions. now that we know what God’s purpose is, how can we be a part of it? how can we be strategic in giving God this glory he deserves and bringing about revelation 7:9. this is just a little glimpse of what this class is about.
this class has changed my life. it’s changed the way i read the Bible. it’s changed the outlook for my life. it’s changed my everyday thinking. i have a broader perspective and a more exciting desire to help God bring about this plan. i want to be a part of that chorus in heaven, singing praises to my king.
this class changed my life so much that i wanted my friends and family to take it. this fall,
perspectives is coming! i’m going to be coordinating the class for this fall, and i want you to come! you will not be disappointed. here’s the class information:
OKC perspectives will be held at metropolitan baptist church (britton and rockwell)
mondays from 6:30-9:30pm starting august 18 – december 1any questions? please ask me! if you’ve never heard of this class, it’s revolutionary and it will change your life. if you’ve heard of this class but never taken it, now is the time. if you’ve taken it and it’s changed your life, start praying about 2 or 3 friends you can personally encourage to invite to this class.
check this out: