Cheers to the coolest 55-year old I know!
I remember about 20 years ago, when my mom was out for the evening, Dad served us kids up some fried bologna for dinner as we watched America's Funniest Home videos. We sat on the floor, sipped orange juice, and laughed our heads off.
I remember coming home from Awana's at church on Wednesday nights in dad's car, racing against mom to see who could get home first. "Take a shortcut, Dad! Faster!"
I remember Dad coming home late from the office during tax season, with Taco Bueno in his hands. Julie and I would scarf down as much Mucho Nacho as we could before Dad tickled us away.
I remember getting Dunkin Donuts with Dad for the family before bed and having to take a 2 minute shower before I could eat mine.
I remember Dad taking me on early morning breakfast dates at Waffle House before school in highschool. I love those special one-on-one times.
I remember Treasure Hunt at the old house. We would team up and tackle each other over an old dirty sock treasure.
I remember helping Dad pick out a new wedding ring for Mom for their 20th Anniversary in Hawaii.
I remember Dad holding Brett's squirming body down, so Julie and I could give him kisses.
Happy Birthday, Dad! I can't imagine having a more amazing Dad - willing to do anything, anytime, anywhere for his family. Thanks for being an amazing man of God. Loving Him above all helps you love us more!