This wasn't just at a normal time of day that I had this thought. It seems I always have wacked-out thoughts late at night... see my previous post for evidence of that. But no, I thought I should try on some lipstick at 11:30 last night.
I walk to the bathroom. High up on the shelf is a paper bag of "stuff I don't use very often, but can't seem to throw away." Alot of girls know what I'm talking about. "Hey, I might wear this or use this someday, and it's still perfectly good. I can't find any good reason to throw it away." Deep in the bag was lipstick... a bright red shade. Something to really notice!
I slather it on my lips. Hmmm... kinda bold, but not half bad. Kinda brightens things up a bit. Throws people for a loop. I wonder if anyone will notice. I hop back in bed, try to read a little and zzzzzzzzz.... sleepy time. Off to lala land. Where I always look like a supermodel in my dreams.
This morning I woke up, roll out of bed, and head to the bathroom. Light on and.... "WHAT THE....?" Who died on my lips and bled all over my teeth?!?!?!

Dangit, I'm such a dummy! Never go to bed with lipstick on. Even if you look like a supermodel in your dreams, you won't wake up looking like one. I really LOL'd. Not gonna lie. I hate it when people write or text LOL. I'm like, really? Did you really "laugh out loud" or are you just trying to make yourself look funny? But I really did LOL at myself! Not gonna lie.
So here's the big question... What if I woke up, got dressed and went on with my day, never once looking in the mirror. Are you the kind of person to point out, "Hey, wipe off your nasty lipstick teeth, you little dweeb!" or are you the kinda person to just wish away the embarassing elephant on the face, and hope the next time I take a bite of food or sip my drink that it'll wash away the stain???
For real, though... which are you?
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