i've been challenged to pray for different countries of this world God has put us in. through this book operation world, i've learned so much about how other countries function, and it's given me a bigger heart for the world :) on this particular day, i was praying for columbia, and this was one of the answers to prayer that was listed to pray for. it read:
"God is reaching the lowest and most desperate. Bellavista Prison is a maximum security prison in Medellin that was often called "hell on earth" where the murder rate often topped one per day. Through prayer and the bold witness of some anointed believers the prison has seen a remarkable turning of the most hardened criminals to Christ. Large numbers of the inmates are now believers, and round the clock prayer chains often function. The spirit of murder has all but disappeared, and the brutal conditions improved. Now, a Bible Institute has formed in the prison, training inmates for ministry once they are released."
after i read that and picked my jaw up off the desk, my second thought was, "wow, don't we serve an amazing God?!" when most people would have given up and said these men would never know Jesus, through the power of prayer and the direction of the Holy Spirit, this prison has turned into a seminary! ha! that's amazing!
can we all just stop and smile and praise Jesus for a second! that's awesome!
i hope you are encouraged today that what you're doing is worth it. you might not be seeing results x10 right now, but God is moving when we are obedient to share the gospel! take time out today just to praise God for ways that make no earthly sense! :)
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