Monday, June 16, 2008

never settle

this morning in the newspaper, i read an article discussing the issue of single women. the author was encouraging aging single women to settle for marriage with an okay guy versus waiting for mr. perfect, because there is no mr. perfect. it really shocked me! i know that some women do think that way, and that "i'm never gonna find mr. right, so i'll just settle for mr. right now." i think this is a scary philosophy. if i were to settle for just an okay guy, and not be challenged daily, goal-driven for the future, or passionate about God and each other, then i would be miserable for the rest of my life, wondering what could have been...

for me, mr. right is not necessarily going to be the best looking guy on the block or the most eloquent speaker, but his passion for the heart of God will be the attracting force.

i want God's best
and i won't settle for anything less

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