It's official. Find that straight jacket. Throw me in a padded room. I've lost it. I'm done.
I wake up with a start! Look at the clock; it's 6:19. Oh my gosh, I can't believe I've overslept Whiz Kids! I'm supposed to pick up Nora and meet her for the first time. Apparently she cried because she thought it started last week, and I didn't pick her up. I'm the worst tutor EVER! "Whiz Kids lasts until 7:30," I tell myself, "I'll just call her, apologize, and pick her up for the last part. It'll be okay."
See, I'm a night-shifter. I work at night. And I sleep during the day. But I don't remember Tuesday day. I had plans to hang out with my cousin Ashley and her two boys all day today. I think that's an awefully long time to sleep. Surely Ashley would have called me and called me, saying "Where are you? I thought we had plans!" Surely, I didn't sleep through the whole day! Yah, I went to bed at 2 in the morning, but I wouldn't think I would have slept through the whole day!
I jump out of bed with my phone, turn on the light, look at my crazy hair in the mirror and think, "Okay, I'll just wash my face real fast, throw some clothes on, and I'll be out the door..... I'm the worst tutor ever!"
Walk to the kitchen and notice that it's pretty dark outside. Okay, I didn't think it was daylight savings time yet. It wasn't supposed to get dark this early in the evening already. That's weird. Dialing Nora on the phone. Pretty sure it's Nora's Spanish-speaking mother on the phone. I say, "NORA!" like she's hard of hearing or something. Nora's brother gets on the phone, and I explain my case. "I'm Kaylyn, Nora's new Whiz Kids tutor. I'm so sorry I'm late. I told her yesterday that I would pick her up at 5:30 for Whiz Kids and I'm just a little late. But I can head over there now. Is Nora there?"
I hear some Spanish translation of my message to Nora's mom in the background. Brother gets back on the phone in a super sweet voice. "Well she goes to school at 7 and comes back at 3." I'm thinking, Who goes to school at 7 in the evening? "No, I know she gets home from school around 3, but I told her that I would pick her up at 5:30, and I know I'm a little late, but I can still come pick her up if she's there."
More Spanish translation in the background. "Well... I guess my mom says you can come pick her up, but...."
And then it dawns on me.
I've just called Nora, my precious little Whiz Kid, whom I haven't even officially met yet, at 6:19 IN THE MORNING. OH MY GOSH.
"You know what," I try to cover myself, acting all cool and sly. "You're right. I'll just come pick her up this afternoon, okay? I'm sorry." click.
OH MY GOSH. I just called Nora's phone at 6:19 AM and tried to convince her lovely Spanish-speaking mother to let me come pick up her child RIGHT NOW. Before school. AT 6:19 IN THE MORNING.
Oh, I've done lost it. I've lost my marbles. So many clues I just passed over.
1. It was dark outside.
2. I didn't hang out with Ashley today, like planned.
3. That's an awefully long time to sleep for me.
4. I didn't work last night anyways.
So go ahead and lock me up. I'm a certified "crazy." Let's see if she still wants to go to Whiz Kids in about 12 hours, cause I don't know if I would if I were her.
***I'm posting this now, because if I don't, when I wake up for real, I'll think it was all a bad dream... and it was NOT A DREAM!
1 comment:
All that and you forgot to mention that you nearly slept through our little date anyways! Haha! I was so worried as I called and called and then sent the neighbor to knock on your back window. Still thanking God for that nice gentleman. :)
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